The application field focuses on the manufacture of butt welded fittings according to international standards / client’s specifications as well as on the sales and distribution of components for industrial hydraulic systems.
The scope of Aellebi is to implement a Quality Management System certified ISO 9001:2015 able to support the supply of its product in an effective and continuously improving manner, assuring the compliance to contract requirements and specific products standards.
The measure of the company success is closely related to the customers’ satisfaction and is based on the ability to understand and anticipate their needs offering a product that meets not only their explicit demands but also and above all their hidden needs. This is performed through the following points:
- Understand the customer’s needs in a proper and complete manner
- Prevent the risks due to carelessness and superficiality that can compromise the quality and safety of our products
- Constantly improve the quality level of the products supplied to the clients
- Improve the efficacy of our Quality Management System
- Set goals that allow the staff to progress professionally
- Ensure the best employment of human resources through individual empowerment, enhancement and development of individual skills
- Maintain an ethically correct behavior with the staff employed in the company
- Keep up-to-date and comply with the regulations and laws in force.
The Management believes that the statements of this “policy” are appropriate to the context in which the company operates, both in terms of values, culture, knowledge and for the external aspects of legal, technological, market and competition nature and more generally for the socio-political context.
The present “Quality Policy”:
- Is documented, practiced and kept active
- Is communicated to the company staff at all levels and contractual forms
- Constitutes the reference framework for the definition of the current and future company objectives.